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Entry Time Information

Information Panels

Party Details

Position: Below the Item Table on the right side.

Whenever you select the party, the party values to be used in the sale are brought and saved in the sales form.


Other static party details are shown in the designated area below the item grid.


The details of the party being selected is shown in this section of the screen. This area is shared for showing the items details - Once the party selected work is over this section is used to details of the selected item.

Item Entry


The Item Entry area is dotted with information to optimize the process of selecting an item for the bill.

1. Item Combo


  • Select the item.
  • Check ShrtCd, to arrange the drop-down list by the Short Code field.
  • Check Mfr, to show name of manufacturer in the drop-down list.
  • Check Unused, to show all items, otherwise unused items are hidden.
  • This panel also shows total stock of then item (i/stk).
  • Use the N button to add a new item or update the selected item in the item master.

2. Batch List

When the Batch field is in focus, the list of batches available is displayed. As you select a batch its stock is shown at next to the batch field (Point 3).

Check Show 0 Batch (Point 16) to show all batches - with or without stock. If not checked, you will be shown only batches that have stock.


3. Batch Stock

b/stk shows the stock for the selected Batch.

4. No Discount


Check nd next to the Ds% to indicate a no-discount item. Discount will always be 0 for the nd items, no matter what discount is given for the bill.


5. MRP Incl

Check Incl to indicate the MRP is inclusive of taxes.

6. Trade Rate Incl

Check Incl to indicate the Trade Rate is inclusive of taxes.

7. Purc Incl

Check Incl to indicate the Purc Rate is inclusive of taxes.

8. Scheme Calculator

Use this to calculate the scheme in percent for a scheme announced in free quantity.


for eg.
if Scheme = 4 + 1 then its percent value is 20%

The result of this calculation is directly entered into the Sch% field.

9. Expiry

The title of Expiry changes to show the expiry status according to the expiry date.

The format of the title is Exp (MM) / AX

  • MM is the number of months to expiry
  • A is optional, it shows only if party specific minimum expiry is set
  • X is number of the minimum expiry set

for eg

PtyME(19)/A4The product has expiry life of 19 months and party specified minimum expiry of 4 months is being checked.
DefME(19)/3The product has expiry life of 19 months and global minimum expiry of 3 months is being checked.
PtyNoME(19)The product has expiry life of 19 months no minimum expiry setting is applied, so any unexpired item will be accepted
NoExp(no title)The product has expiry life of 19 months no minimum expiry setting is applied, so any unexpired item will be accepted
Expired(-5)The product has expired 5 months ago. This item will not be added into this sale entry.

Check Allow Any Expiry to override the minimum expiry setting.

10. Margins

  • R:00.00% shows the retailer's margin - TrRate to MRP
  • S:00.00% shows the stockist's margin - PurcRate to TrRate


11. GST and Scheme

The GST and Scheme from the Last Purchase of selected batch.

Batch (GST% - HSNCode) Scheme


Scheme is the value entered in the scheme column of the last purchase entry for that particular batch.

13. Buttons


There are 4 buttons here...

TShow Item Status
XShow Sale History of selected item for selected party
ZShow Purchase History of selected item
HShow Sale History of selected item for selected mobile number

14. By Manufacturer


By default, the list of items added in the grid is showed in the order of entry. If By Mfr is checked then the items are listed in ordder of manufacturer.

15. Last Sale Details

If the item has been sold the selected party earlier, the details of the last sale is shown below the Add, Change, Delete buttons.


  • Date of Last Sale
  • MRP
  • Tr Rate
  • Qty
  • Scheme Given
  • Net Rate

16. Show 0 Batch


Check on this Show 0 Batch controls the list of batches shown in point 2 above.

17. Net Rate


The all inclusive (rate - scheme - discount + taxes) value per unit of the item is shown in the Net Rate.

Net Rate = Gross Value / (Qty + SQty)

18. Item Values

Item Values

Position: On the right side of Item Entry

The Items Values panel is displayed on the right side of the Item Entry panel. Values of Sch, Dis, Taxable Amount, CGST, SGST, IGST, Cess and Gross Amount

Color Indicators

NRx or H1 Items

Item Description Area

Color of Item Description area is updated in accordance to the currently selected item in the item combobox.

  • NRx Items
  • H1 Items
  • Other Items
  • If any item in Sale Entry form is NRx the Footer Entry is orangered.
  • Otherwise, if any item in Sale Entry form is NRx the Footer Entry is orange.
  • Otherwise, if there is no NRX and no H1 item in Sale Entry the Footer Entry is of default form color.


If for instate party IGST is not zero then its background will become hotpink and similarly if for out-state party CGST or SGST is not zero then both CGST and SGST panels will have hotpink background.

Bad Bill Amount Mismatch

If the calculated bill value is not same as saved bill value, the Net Value panel is shown as  red .

Excess Scheme

If Scheme given is more than scheme marked then the Sch% and FQty panels become lightpink. dsGST computes schemes in both % (percent) and free goods against the permitted scheme text.

Trade Rate less than Purchase Rate

Purchase Rate panel becomes hotpink if trade rate is less than its purchase rate.

CGST Not Equal to SGST

Both the CGST% and SGST% panels will become orange if CGST% is not equal to SGST%

Product Expiry

  • If Expiry status is qualified then the Expiry Panel becomes lightgreen
  • Otherwise, if the Expiry status does not qualify then the Expiry Panel becomes hotpink.

The program has a default minimum expiry setting of 0 month i.e. product must have a minimum life of 1 month.

Minimum Expiry Setting
  • Global default Minimum Expiry in sale can be configured in the Set Default
  • Party specific Minimum Expiry can be set in the Account Master

Use the Allow Any Expiry checkbox to override the Minimum Expiry setting and allow sale of any unexpired items.

B2B or B2C Party

If not empty, the the GSTIn field will be orange.